Lake Mansarovar– A lake of consciousness, personification of purity and serenity, sacred like drops of water from the heaven, only freshwater lake at this altitude 4590 meters - 15000 ft and everything else is salty around Tibetan plateau - believed to be creation of lord BRAMHA- The creator of mankind, relatively round in shape around 88 km in diameter and around 300 ft deep and situated at southeast of Mt. Kailash region in Tibet, China .
Wonderful Lake Manas is an epitome of the natural best landscape – the color of lake manas is crystal clear like blue around shores & emerald green at the center. Sun and Moon pays tribute to lake manas like paying visit to this supreme divine place –Sun at day leaves an shimmering effect like Gold when Sun leaves Moon sets in and leaves the calming effect and serenity to lake manas on a full moon night God visits to meditate and immerse themselves in the lake “manas” super pure water.
Source of all major rivers in India and China –Large Brahmaputra(east), Sutlej (west) and Indus(north) and Karnali(south).
Lake Mansarovar is synonymous with Lord Shiva’s favorite place for meditation Adiyogi -1st maha yogi greatest teacher ever known for meditation Lord lives here perpetually - the beginning and the end meets here at Kailash Mansarovar. Creation of life meets the purpose and reason for existence and devotion in the feet of lord shiva.

Manas- means “Mind” and “Sarovar” meaning lake is derived from ancient Sanskrit transcripts – A special mention in the holy book of hindus – Shrimad Bhagvat Puran
Mansarovar lake possesses supernatural healing powers–it brings wisdom, health & happiness to all those who drink touches and bathes in the holy water. Any human who drinks and bathes in the waters of the lake Manas will find a place in heaven and will be cleansed of all sins and will go to the heavenly abode of Shiva.
At Kailash region around Mt Meru or Kailash is also known for the existence of magical Kalpavrishka (Kalpatru). A tree is known for fulfilling all wishes. A tree from heaven for Hindus, Buddhism, and Jainism has a special mention in all mythological scriptures.
Come to pay a holy visit the Abode of Gods –Supreme Shiva and receive his blessings