Mount Kailash (22,028 ft, 6,714 m), the famed holy peak, is situated to the north of the Himalayan barrier in Western Tibet. As per hindu religion beliefs, Lord Shiva along with his wife Parvati resided on Kailash Parvat. Hindu yatris cross the frozen mountain of India and Nepal to circle the peak that is Lord Shiva’s throne and take dip in the Mansarovar lake created from the manas (mind) of Brahma.
Mansarovar Lake:- Lake Mansarovar stands at the foot of the sacred Mount Kailash, created from the mind of Brahma, Manasarovar’s clear waters are said to possess miraculous healing properties. According to Ramayana — “Anyone takes a dip in the lake, he shall go to the paradise of Brahma, and yatri who drinks its waters shall go to the heaven of Shiva and
shall be released from the sins of a hundred births.”
Parikrama:- After reaching Mount Kailash through helicopter or road, pilgrims (yatri’s) are then required to circumambulate the peak of the Kailash parvat. This walking around in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction is known as parikrama. For those who cannot do it on foot (since it usually takes 3 days), there is an option of hiring a yak or a pony.
We are a leading travel agency with more than 8 years of experience of sending yatri’s to Kailash Mansarovar with ease without much trekking, we assure that your yatra is safe & secure, hassle free and a memorable one. Our expert Kailash tour guides will be there at every step of your trip, making dreams come true and fulfill your travel need, experience with the profession and dedicated team of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2018. Our Kailash Mansarovar yatra tour packages will cover every aspect of the journey.